What is NETPROG?
is intended to all people wanting to program applications through the network
and which must be carried out on various operating systems. They ask a knowledge
of the C language.
Which type of applications ?
The field of application is very large, from a simple application of file
transfers between two machines to applications needing a complex protocol of
data exchange in synchronous or asynchronous mode.
This product is single because it makes it possible to cover all types and needs
for communications : synchronous or asynchronous based on a homogeneous
architecture of événementiel type.
Profit of 80 % of time and means in developments of communicating applications
multi-platforms on TCP/IP.
API multi-platforms: UNIX, Windows, IBM,...
Transcoding of characters.
Newspaper of transfers allowing to index the transfers carried out with
mechanisms of recovery.
Interpreted language allowing instantaneous programming of orders distributed
on the various machines.
Connections to data bases.
Synchronous or asynchronous communication.
Programming of low level: definition of new protocols.
The programmer is freed from the heavy tasks related to the development of
client-server applications programming on TCP/IP, portability,
synchronizations, transcoding, …
It is particularly useful for programming of applications type Web
servers which can handle a large number or connections.