This function is used when an application wants to do some background work, by the MX manager. Usually the function MXDispatchEvents which manages all events does not return if its time parameter is set to 0. In this case, if the application wants to do some processing, it should add a callback that will be called automatically by the MX manager in a scheduled manner as long as the callback returns a value different from 0. If the callback returns the value 0, and if the MX manager has no other events to treat, this function will not be called and no more cpu is consumed.The next call to this callback will occur after an external event wakes up the MX manager.
PromptUser (MX* pmx, void* appfield) MXCom*
pcom = (MXCom*)appfield;
/* do whatever you want */
MXPutMessage (pcom, "DialogName", "MessageClassName"); MXSetValue
(pmessage, .... return 1; else return 0; }
int main(int argc, char*
argv[]) /* You define your dialog class in the file MyResourceFile.irc */