




  Supported Protocols


Asynchronous Programming

Asynchronous (pronounced ay-SIHN-kro-nuhs, from Greek asyn-, meaning "not with," and chronos, meaning "time") 

In computer programs, asynchronous operation means that a process operates independently of other processes, whereas synchronous operation means that the process runs only as a result of some other process being completed or handing off operation. A typical activity that might use a synchronous protocol would be a transmission of files from one point to another. As each transmission is received, a response is returned indicating success or the need to resend. Each successive transmission of data requires a response to the previous transmission before a new one can be initiated.

What is 'asynchronous socket programming'?

a.k.a. event-driven programming or select()-based multiplexing, it's a solution to a network programming problem: How do I talk to bunch of different network connections at once, all within one process/thread?

Let's say you're writing a database server that accepts requests via a tcp connection. If you expect to have many simultaneous requests coming in, you might look at the following options:

  • synchronous: you handle one request at a time, each in turn.
    pros: simple
    cons: any one request can hold up all the other requests

  • fork: you start a new process to handle each request.
    pros: easy
    cons: does not scale well, hundreds of connections means hundreds of processes.
    fork() is the Unix programmer's hammer. Because it's available, every problem looks like a nail. It's usually overkill

  • threads: start a new thread to handle each request.
    pros: easy, and kinder to the kernel than using fork, since threads usually have much less overhead
    cons: your machine may not have threads, and threaded programming can get very complicated very fast, with worries about controlling access to shared resources.

With async, or 'event-driven' programming, you cooperatively schedule the cpu or other resources you wish to apply to each connection. How you do this really depends on the application - and it's not always possible or reasonable to try. But if you can capture the state of any one connection, and divide the work it will do into relatively small pieces, then this solution might work for you. If your connections do not require much (or any) state, then this is an ideal approach.


  • efficient and elegant

  • scales well - hundreds of connections means only hundreds of socket/state objects, not hundreds of threads or processes.

  • requires no interlocking for access to shared resources. If your database provides no interlocking of its own (as is the case for dbm, dbz, and berkeley db), than the need to serialize access to the database is provided trivially.

  • integrates easily with event-driven window-system programming. GUI programs that use blocking network calls are not very graceful.


  • more complex - you may need to build state machines.

  • requires a fundamentally different approach to programming that can be confusing at first.

How does it work?

Here's a good visual metaphor to help describe the advantages of multiplexed asynchronous I/O. Picture your program as a person, with a bucket in front of him, and a bucket behind him. The bucket in front of him fills with water, and his job is to wait until the bucket is full, and empty it into the bucket behind him. [which might have yet another person behind it...] The bucket fills sporadically, sometimes very quickly, and sometimes at just a trickle, but in general your program sits there doing nothing most of the time.

Now what if your program needs to talk to more than one connection (or file) at a time? Forking another process is the equivalent of bringing in another person to handle each pair of buckets. The typical server is written in just this style! A server may be handling 20 simultaneous clients, and in our metaphor that means a line of 20 people, sitting idle for 99% of the time, each waiting for his bucket to fill!

The obvious solution to this is to have a single person walk up and down the aisle of bucket pairs. When he comes to a bucket that's full, he dumps it into the other side, and then moves on. By walking up and down the aisle of buckets, one busy person does the job of 20 idle people.

The only time when this technique doesn't work well is when something other than just dumping one bucket into the next needs to be done - say, turning the water into gold first. If turning a bucket of water into a bucket of gold takes a long time, then the other buckets may not get processed in a timely fashion. For example, if your server program needs to crunch on the data it receives before responding.

Writing a single-process multiplexing socket program

Now how do we apply our bucket wisdom to network programming?

Depending on the operating system, there are several different ways to achieve our 'bucket-trickling' affect. By far the most common, and simplest mechanism uses the select() system call. The select() function takes (in effect) four arguments: three 'lists' of sockets, and a timeout. The three socket lists indicate interest in read, write, and exception events for each socket listed. The function will return whenever the indicated socket fires one of these events. If nothing happens within the timeout period, the function simply returns.

The result of the select() function is three lists telling you which sockets fired which events.

Your application will have a handler for each expected event type. This handler will perform different tasks depending on your application. If a connection has a need to keep state information, you'll probably end up writing a state machine to handle transitions between different behaviors. Diving back into the bucket [paradigm], these events might be the equivalent of adding little "I'm full now" mailbox-like flags to the buckets.

Sounds like a lot of work.

Well, lucky for you, there's a set of common code that makes writing these programs a snap. In fact, all you need to do is pick from two connection styles, and plug in your own event handlers. As an extra added bonus, the differences between Windows and Unix socket multiplexing have been abstracted - using the async base classes (asyncore.dispatcher and asynchat.async_chat) - you can write asynchronous programs that will work on Unix, Windows, or the Macintosh (in fact, it should work on any platform that correctly implements the socket and select modules).

The first class is the simpler one, 'asyncore.dispatcher'. This class manages the association between a socket descriptor (which is how the operating system refers to the socket) and your socket object. dispatcher is really a container for a system-level socket, but it's been wrapped to look as much like a socket as possible. The main difference is that creating the underlying socket operation is done by calling the create_socket method.


Each producer must have a more() method, which is called whenever more output is needed. Note how the data is deliberately sent in fixed-size chunks: If you create a simple_producer with a 15-Megabyte long string (ghastly!), this will keep that one socket from monopolizing the whole program. When the producer is exhausted, it returns an empty string, like a file object signifying an end-of-file condition.

A producer can compute its output 'on-the-fly', if so desired. It can keep state information, too, like a file pointer, a database index, or a partial computation.

Each producer is filed into a queue (fifo), which is progressively emptied. The more method of the front-most element of the queue is called until it is exhausted, and then the producer is popped off the queue.

The combination of delimiting the input and scheduling the output with a fifo allows you to design a server that will correctly handle an impatient client. For example, some NNTP clients send a barrage of commands to the server, and then count out the responses as they are made (rather than sending a command, waiting for a response, etc...). If a call to recv() reveals a buffer full of these impatient commands, async_chat will handle the situation correctly, calling collect_incoming_data and found_terminator in sequence for each command.